Mid-Semester Slump

Existential threat is brewing in my cup.
The fumes of despair gently wafting up.

Don’t judge!

Naught by a mild case of impending doom,
a pile of marking and various deadlines loom.

I am fine, just fine. Fine.
Nothing to worry.

No one showed up to the webinar room.
Apparently, I didn’t send the link for Zoom.

Also I forgot to check the Moodle forums.
Gotta run to a meeting now so they have a quorum.

No. No, I still don’t know what that means.
Can I just have a sip of my coffee please.

My fountain pen leaked all over my backpack.
I stress clenched and another tooth cracked.

Brain the size of a galaxy—and teeny tiny office space.
Oh wait, we are hotdesking now—I make a sour face.

Did I press ‘send’ on that email?
Yup I am living a fairy tale!

Our Article was published last week!
I am on a roll with my output streak!

Don’t judge me by my horrible rhyme!
I am writing this way past my normal bedtime.

Did I tell? My tbr* pile fell!
I think it registered on the Richter scale.

Still not as heavy as the guilt about all the unticked ‘To Dos’.
Don’t worry I am just having the Monday evening blues.

The plumes of despair gently wafting by.
As I stare into my cup and not so gently cry.

I am fine, just fine. Fine.
Nothing to worry.

*to be read (tbr)

This poem was submitted as part of the LSE HE Blog’s Poetry Amnesty

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